Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Going Loopy

A few years back I discovered the music of Steve Lawson and Matt Stevens. These (mostly) solo artists make extensive use of loops in their performances to build layers of sound into complex arrangements. Steve uses the Looperlative and Matt has a Line 6 pedal. I have a looper in my Roland Cube amplifier, but have only done some simple stuff with it, such as this jam

I get some musical ideas based around loops that I would like to play with. These are generally for guitar or vocals. I want to be able to record a series of looping segments and then play something over the top, recording the results into Ardour. I suspect there may be some Linux tools that would allow this. I'm aware of Freewheeling and SooperLooper, but have not tried them as yet. I think they are aimed at live performance, but I would hope they could work in a studio too. Dave Phillips has written a pretty good summary of the options. I would hope that I could use my nanoKontrol to turn loops on/off and adjust levels.

I shall try to have a play soon, but would be interested to hear from anyone with experience of these tools.


  1. SooperLooper definitely works -- it's a bit complex to initially, especially if you want to dig in to using multiple simultaneous loops (instead of just multiple overdubs on the one loop), but it should fit the bill.

    You can definitely control it with the nanoKONTROL, too -- I have that exact setup here, in fact! Just about everything in SooperLooper can be controlled via MIDI, so you can certainly use the faders to control loop volumes and use the buttons to enable/disable recording on each loop.

    1. Leigh, I must have read your blog post about SooperLooper a couple of months back. Maybe that's what planted the idea in my mind :) I need to get it all set up and see what it can do for me. Thanks
